The New Hello Fashion! How to Use the New Site

8:33:00 AM

hello fashion blog office

Hey guys! THE NEW SITE IS LIVE!!! Can I tell you how excited I am to share this with you guys!! I’ve been wanting to do a redesign for quite awhile. I wanted to bring you guys a lot of new exciting features. (This is phase one – we actually have another really exciting launch coming soon that goes with this!) I’m sure there will be little kinks we still work out the next couple days (mobile version will finalize soon!) but so excited it’s live!

Soooooo I wanted to give you the rundown and how to use some of the new features. A lot of the category and video options are only available on DESKTOP right now but we are working through them for mobile. I hope you guys love the site and it helps get the most of what your looking for, wanting to read about, or shop!

hello fashion blog design


I decided I wanted to make my posts easier to navigate so I collapsed all the posts.  If you are in a hurry and don’t feel like reading what I wrote 😉 (obviously I hope you do) you can hover over the shopping bag button and shop my outfit with out clicking into the post.

If you are looking for a specific piece from a recent outfit, you can access some of the main products right on the homepage! Scroll through to instantly shop some of the top pieces from my look. You can also instantly share a post to social from the home page.

hello fashion blog design


You will see this section (best of outfits) on the homepage between the first couple posts and farther down again (best of travel) between post 9 and 10. I’ll be sharing some of my most popular looks for the season in the ‘Best of Outfits’ and some of my favorite travel posts under ‘Best of Travel’. If you hover over the image it will tell you title of post, and you can click on any image to go directly to the post.


This is one of the features I’m most excited about for the redesign! I have been blogging for over 5 years (ahhh where has the time gone!) and there is soooo much content!! A lot of it was hard to find if you didn’t know what to search for it. So I wanted to make it easier for you guy to navigate through. To start when you hover over a category their are quick links to popular topics in that category (i.e. for fashion: you can see all posts with ILY, couple’s style, sportswear, dresses, etc)

fashion blog designs

On each main category page (fashion, life, beauty, travel) you can now narrow it down even more! For example you can shop by price, season, or specific styles! For travel you can search by location. So let me know if there are any categories you want to see more of! Each category has a video related to the subject in that category. So don’t forget to watch the videos too. 🙂


The blog posts have a couple new features. Above the title of each post you will see links to all categories pertaining to that post so if you want to see more of that subject you have quick links to similar content.


Inside the blog post you can shop the featured product from the post – just start scrolling and it will pop up on the bottom left hand side of the page. 🙂 On the right side you will also see the upcoming post after the current one your reading.

fashion blog best practices


One of my favorite new features is anytime you are inside a single post, you can keep scrolling through to the next posts so you don’t have to go back to the home page or click next, just keep scrolling and you can start binge reading. 🙂 This function is on mobile and desktop.


My shop page has everything from details on recent outfits on my Instagram to new finds at some of my favorite retailers. A lot of you ask about my Instagram outfits and I try really hard to get back to all the comments but sometimes I don’t, so always check shop my Instagram! I try to update most of my looks there right away.

shop hello fashion

You can also see some of my favorite finds for the season – there are fashion finds for for him, her, and the kids plus beauty products and cute accents for home.


I’m finally compiling all of my videos in one place on my blog! Check out the Videos section at the top of my site to scroll through all my videos, from fashion finds to beauty tips and travel guides.


Last but not least is my Essential Six which I’ll be updating monthly with my favorite products for the month – either staples that I’ve been using for years or new finds that I’m excited to share with you guys. You can click through to the product directly to shop or use the arrows on the right and left side of the images to scroll through blog posts where I feature or include that product. Check back every month to see my new Essential 6!

I really hope you guys love the site! If you have more questions about functions let me know!! We have worked on this for months to fine tune everything and I am so happy how it turned out. I want to give a big thank you to my friend and amazing designer Hanna. Her team is so talented and to my right hand Whitney, thank you for staying up so many late nights this week to help us get everything done!!! I can’t wait to share the next phase with you guys!! It will be launching soon!

Xx, Christine

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