How Fashion Makes This Commodities Trader Turned Model Feel Empowered Every Day
4:31:00 PM
This part of her life also requires another distinct uniform, which Kang now associates with strength. "Whenever I put on my Muay Thai shorts I feel indestructible, even though I actually dislike shorts, never wear them and think they are unflattering," she says. "When I put on my sports bra I feel like I'm putting on a shield of armor. Like I walk a little bit taller with it on."
It's not just in the ring, however, that she uses clothes to give her that extra fighting confidence. "Everyday I wear a beautiful matching set of bra and undies," she says of dressing to feel empowered. "Not for anyone else, just for me. I wake up in the morning and put them on and feel beautiful and I carry that feeling throughout the day."
Feminist slogan T-shirts can be disregarded as having little value, but Kang believes that what we wear every day can spread a powerful message. "I have a few shirts that I wear that give me an extra pep in my step," says Kang. "More than acting as a walking billboard I think its more about the feeling and confidence that clothes give you, and that carries forward into everyday life and rubs off on to other people."
Given this series is called In My Shoes, it was only fitting to end our conversation by asking Kang what pair she would wear to conquer the world and her choice is certainly fitting. "A pair of bitchin' thigh high boots."
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