Hey guys! I shared on my insta stories that we’ve been working with a sleep trainer to help with Ollie and I’ve already learned so much! I’ve shared a few tips on stories that she’s shared but I also wanted to put together a post with the products she recommended for sleep training so you can shop directly.
If you are bottle feeding, Around 3 months old, start transitioning to larger bottle nipples (size 2). I completely forgot this one since it’s been over 5 years since we did this with Beckam, but getting a bigger nipple size makes sure they are getting enough food during the day. The bigger nipple size has already made a huge difference in how much milk he is getting!
This sleepsuit is supposed to be the best to help them transition out of the swaddle. Ollie is only 3 months old and rolling, so once they start rolling you need to Start transitioning out of the swaddle, but because he’s on the younger side he still has the Moro Reflex so this helps him that.
Noise machines are a must but one thing I didn’t know was that you shouldn’t use the ocean or rain sleep settings – they actually stimulate the brain! This one has multiple other settings and is on sale right now, too!
Our sleep trainer also recommended using lavender essential oil. Another option is lotion with lavender, or you can also mix lavender essential oil with your baby’s favorite lotion. Make sure and check with your pediatrician before using 🙂
Not only should you be using overnight diapers, but when they start sleeping longer size up one size – you still want it to fit snug around the waist but there will be extra room/absorbency to get through the night.
One major thing I learned was to feed Ollie right after he wakes up. You should feed them in a dark, distraction-free space so Jess, our sleep trainer, recommended these if you don’t have curtains or black out shades. They aren’t high end looking but do the job for a good price point.
Let me know in the comments below if you guys have any more questions! I also shared a ton of tips on sleep training on my Instagram and made a sleep training highlight that you can watch here. I shared the above on stories and it was so good I couldn’t help but post here too.
XX, Christine
from Hello Fashion http://bit.ly/31dz8lj
via Hello Fashion
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